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Products > Other Materials > > ITO powder
ITO powder
ITO powder ITO powder
Product name : ITO powder
Product No. : 202199124211
Material : In2O3/SnO2
Size : 20-70nm
Density(g/cm3) : 1.2
Refractive Index : 1.5290-1.5460
Form : Blue or Yellow powder
Purity : 4N
Application : ITO target; Transparent conductive film, anti infrared thermal insulation coating, etc
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ITO powder:
SSA: 35m2 / g
Composition: In2O3:SnO2= 90.0(±5)wt.%:10.0(±5)wt.%
Pressing block resistance:1×10-2Ω.cm
Miscibility: insoluble in water and general solvents
Application: various transparent conductive films; Anti radiation coating and transparent electrode; Materials that block, absorb and reflect infrared and ultraviolet rays

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