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Products > Crucibles & Boat > > Iridium Crucible
Iridium Crucible
Product name : Iridium Crucible
Product No. : 202191310370
Material : Iridium (Ir)
Size : Dia.50, 60, 77, 88, 100, 200, 300mm; H.40-400mm or according to customer request
Density(g/cm3) : 22.56
Refractive Index : 
Form : Shiny silvery white cylinder
Purity : 3N5
Application : For growth of refractory oxide crystals
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Iridium crucible can be used to grow refractory oxide crystals.

The crucible can work at 2100 ~ 2200 ℃ for thousands of hours. It is an important precious metal vessel material. The high temperature oxidation resistance and thermoelectric properties of iridium make iridium / iridium rhodium thermocouple the only precious metal temperature measuring material that can measure the high temperature of 2100 ℃ in the atmosphere; Iridium crucible can be used as container material for radioactive heat source.

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